Fragrance-free hair gel is quite hard to come by. Most of the time, even though the product says it’s scentless, there’s still a very faint aroma that one can still notice, which encourages you to just take matters into your own hands and create your own gel at home. No shame in that, we admit, as we love a good D.I.Y. project here and there.
Fragrance-Free Hair Gel: What to Use and Why Make The Switch
If you’re on the hunt for a fragrance-free styling gel, read on to see what you can use. And if you’re wondering why you should be switching to a scentless gel if the scent doesn’t bother you, we can help you with that, too.
Why should you switch to a fragrance-free hair gel?
Besides being sensitive to scents, some people are also allergic to the ingredients that are used to create the scent. There’s nothing worse than using a product like hair gel and then noticing you have an allergic reaction to it. Oftentimes, the formula itself gets blamed for it, and no one ever thinks that it could possibly be the smell that caused the reaction. (We’re sure we’ve got some of you thinking now, huh?) Opting for an organic hair gel can often take care of any allergens or even organic hair scents.
D.I.Y. scentless hair gel options
If you’re having a hard time coming across a fragrance-free organic hair gel, you also have the option of making your own. You can create flaxseed gel at home or you can also create an aloe vera gel. If you’re not into creating your own hair gel, you can find both options in your local beauty supply or drugstore—just make sure it says fragrance-free on the label.
Hair Gel Options With Faint Scents
We love the ever-so-light scent of TRESemme’s range of professional hair products and hair gels. What you pick depends on your needs. If you’re looking for a gel to help define your curls, try TRESemmé Flawless Curls Defining Gel. Want something to just slick your hair back or to tame flyaways? Use TRESemmé TRES Two Extra Firm Control Gel or TRESemmé TRES Two Mega Firm Control Gel. All three gels have a light, faint, fresh scent that can be tolerated by many. No matter which of these hair gels you go with, you will be sure not to be bothered by the light or nonexistent scents!