This might just be my favorite date of all time! Is it a bad idea for a Diva to make that claim? It’s probably totally inappropriate and practically impossible, so I’ll just say this: It is absolutely one of the best dates of the year! You’re going to love treating yourself (and your spouse) to a day of guilt-free splurging! No excuses, no worries – just a day to turn your brain off and enjoy a few things you normally say “No!” to. All the Parks and Recreation fans out there probably already know what I’m talking about, but if you’re curious about our inspiration for a Treat Yo Self Date, check out this fun clip:

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. A day where you splurge just wouldn’t be complete without some fun and gorgeous printables to make the day feel really special, so we enlisted the help of Leah Aldous at LA Sync. She helped us prep everything you’ll need to Treat Yo Self! If you want to splurge on a few fun printables, head on over to her shop and see what she’s got – you won’t be disappointed! Getting Ready Now, just because it’s a day of splurges doesn’t mean this date has to break the bank. You can still indulge and Treat Yo Self on a budget! If you’re really squeezed for cash, plan this date for a few months from now (because anticipation can really be half the fun!) and spend that waiting time saving up your extra coins. And remember that splurging doesn’t always mean blowing big bucks, it can just mean that you choose to Treat Yo Self to something tempting and indulgent!

To help get you excited, print out the invite pocket and fill it out, then place it somewhere you’ll see on a daily basis so you both have something to look forward to! My husband and I share a Google Calendar, so we also put the date on there and you could even do a countdown on your phone – there are so many great apps for that! The Treat Yo Self planning form will help you get excited and give you ideas for each part of your day. Some of the ideas are cheap or free while others might be a true financial splurge – so you can decide what’s right for you. There’s even a blank space for each one so that you can add your own ideas if ours don’t feel like a treat for you! Treat Yo Self Pledge

When the big day finally arrives, take the Treat Yo Self pledge. You’ve got to promise to let go of everything else and stop worrying for just one day of splurging! The Six Splurges Now it’s time to start indulging in a day of regal decadence! Grab your swag and feel like royalty! Start by looking the part and wearing your matching crown and tiara! Clothes Splurge If you’ve scrimped and saved to make this date a real treat, you might be able to splurge on a new outfit or accessory (we love perusing thought for trendy outfits and jewelry items), but even if you’re on a budget, you can still feel special! Wear your absolute finest clothes – you know, that super fancy outfit that makes you feel like you’re headed to the opera, even though you never go to the opera?! Since I work from home, I love any excuse to get all dolled up – so we go all kinds of elegant! Or maybe a real splurge for you is completely comfy lounge wear – wear something that needs a little dusting off and makes you feel special! Food Splurge

Forget the calories. Forget the guilt. You can make an exception just this once. What is it that you’ve been eyeing at the grocery store? Is there a delicious bakery in town that you love, but you were waiting for a special occasion? Well, this is it! We’ve been trying to eat healthier, so we’ve been passing up the cupcakes (with cream cheese frosting) each time we pass them for months and you better believe we ran right to the store and grabbed those babies! I don’t know who was more excited – we both yelled “Treat Yo Self” at the same time (and got some funny looks from the other shoppers)! I topped them with the adorable, miniature-sized crown and tiara for even more fun. If you aren’t planning on grabbing cupcakes (or something else circular), use the Treat Yo Self Food Toppers instead – just attach them to toothpicks and stick them in your treat of choice! Activity Splurge Now’s the moment to make the time to do whatever you most enjoy and miss when you’re running around in your crazy, busy life. Try anything from quiet time together to going to the movies and seeing more than one movie in a row! If you’ve been penny-pinching to save up for this date night, you might be able to make it to see a favorite band or show. Relaxation Splurge

Dig in under your bathroom sink for all those unused lotions, bath bombs and bath salts that you get as gifts but never seem to find time to use. If you’ve really saved, it might be fun to go out and get pampered at the spa! We broke out our comfy robes which made the night feel really special and cozy – it was just like being at a spa! Gift Splurge You know all those times you pass up the impulse to grab something fun?! This is your chance – anything from that star-studded magazine in the checkout lane or that cute scarf that you wanted so badly but just couldn’t find a reason to need it. You can let your spouse know exactly what you’ve been eyeing, or you can surprise each other! Need some ideas? Try grabbing your spouse a toy that they always wanted during their childhood (for me this was an Easy Bake Oven – no joke!), maybe something fun like a Nerf Gun?! If you want to give a gift that keeps on giving after you Treat Yo Self, try a subscription box – there are SO many options for men (like the Dollar Shave Club) and women (like BirchBox)! Intimate Splurge Light every candle you own and break out your best everything for the bedroom – silky sheets and sexy lingerie! I’m not going to share all the details of our intimate splurge, but make sure you indulge in something new and different! Make Treating Yo Self an annual event, starting right now – this year!

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