Are you ready to cross chores off your list faster than you ever thought possible?  If your answer was ‘YES!!” then I have a great idea for you.  Our ‘To Do” list was getting WAAAAAY too long, there were chores my husband and I were both procrastinating doing and it was starting to drive me nuts. I thought back to my childhood when my parents would give us $5 a week as allowance and how excited I was to earn that cash.  Using that as my model I came up with this fun idea and in one afternoon my husband and I had EVERY chore crossed off our list.  It was so great!

Here’s the plan:

  1. Decide how much money you want to put towards payment for your chores.  I went to the bank and got it out in small bills, but you could totally raid your piggy bank/underwear drawer/couch cushion/mattress too!

  2. Get a box of security tinted envelopes (no peeking!) Decide how many chores you want to do and count out that many envelopes (I’d suggest no more than 10 unless you want to be working all day!!)

  3. Divide the cash into the envelopes, putting different amounts into each one.  One envelope may have $1  another could have a $10 bill, etc.

  4. Seal each envelope up then mix them so you don’t know how much money is in each.

  5. Pull out that ‘To-do’ list and write down one chore on the outside of each envelope.

  6. Now for the fun part! Spread the envelopes out and choose a chore to do.  Once you or your husband have completed the task you can open up the envelope and take your money! This can be pretty hilarious…”WHAAAT, I just cleaned all that nasty hair out of the tub drain and only got a quarter!!??!” Or “SWEET, twenty bucks for shredding a pile of papers!!”

  7. Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done, then decide what you want to do with all your hard-earned money.  If you still have plenty of energy left you may want to try out Cami’s fun date Competition at the Park, or if you want to kick back and relax at home, try out Kristen’s You Tube Date Night. OR If you are not into surprises, just write the chore on a slip of paper and paperclip the money to it. When your husband sees that $5 bill, he may think that scrubbing the microwave might not be so hard after all!

To Do List   Done  A Creative Family Date Night At Home - 10To Do List   Done  A Creative Family Date Night At Home - 33