The Mindful Kitchen Recipe: Try shaved asparagus salad

Savor asparagus season with a simple salad of raw, thinly shaved spears. Grab a bunch of the thicker spears (go with green or purple, not white) and run a vegetable peeler down the length of each to create ribbons. Toss with the juice of half a lemon and a glug of olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. If you’re feeling fancy, toss in some shaved or grated Parmesan cheese. Nutrition info Asparagus is an impressive source of many nutrients: vitamins K and C, folate, copper, and most B vitamins, to name a few. It’s also high in flavonoids that offer heart-protective benefits.

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Mindful Staff November 12, 2019

Claire Zimmerman February 11, 2019

Claire Zimmerman October 23, 2018