Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. Here’s what you’ll need to make this date outstanding – invite (provided below), Sherlock Holmes’ attire, candles (optional), and a computer.  If you need some help with the attire, I found some amazing items for very little money!  I found a Detective Kit for under $9 that includes a hat, magnifying glass, and pipe.  If you are just wanting a magnifying glass or pipe I found those, too!  If you want to spice this up even more, check out Stephanie’s Clue date where they had SO much mystery fun for a night! I started by leaving my hubby this cute invite with some awesome Sherlock Holmes’ attire as he left for work.  If you want to spice your invite up like I did, feel free to add some color to the detective with markers, and then glue the invite to some cute scrapbook paper.  It’s super easy with great results to make it that much better!  The invite reads: “My Dearest Watson, We have come upon yet another case that needs our attention. Meet me tonight at 6:30 in our “thinking room”. We must make great haste!  A life depends on it! But as always… “It’s elementary, my dear Watson, elementary”. Sincerely, Sherlock Holmes”

I was so excited!  Now, you might be wondering what I meant by “thinking room”.  I tried to make the invite as generic as possible for all you readers, and this was my solution.  For MY date the “thinking room” was going to be our bedroom.  I was able to ‘quarantine’ it off from the kids, and had everything ready for our date once our kiddos went to sleep.  However, you can make your “thinking room” whatever you might want:  family room, bedroom, living room, TV room, etc.  Anywhere you will be comfortable and have everything ready. Before your date starts, you will need to prepare a few things.  You will need to download a video game which will be your first activity of the night (see below), and a Sherlock Holmes recording (see below).  You might want to get ‘the mood’ ready by lighting candles around your room as you are listening to the story. When we were ready for our date (once our kids were asleep) we went to our “thinking room”.  I found an interactive Sherlock Holmes video game that we downloaded and played for a while.  We had a lot of fun trying to figure out the mystery as we were going through the game, and it was great to be able to bounce ideas off each other as we were going. After the game, we listened to a recording of a Sherlock Holmes story.  I absolutely love listening to old radio recordings and feel they give such great authenticity to the story!  I found a list of different stories and recordings to choose from and then checked on my local library site to see which ones were available to download and listen to.  My library has on-line books/stories on ‘cd’ where you can download to your computer, ipod, MP3 player, or whatever you wish.  It’s great and I love that it’s FREE!  I chose to light candles and dressed up in my Sherlock Holmes attire so I could channel the Holmes inside me!  😉  I even pretended to solve a real crime while wearing my outfit!  It was fun!

Something that might be fun while you are listening would be to have some yummy strawberries or other kind of fruit that you can snack on.  Of course popcorn is always great, too. We of course finished off the night by watching the original Sherlock Holmes, just to keep up the excitement for Christmas!  Now, we REALLY can’t wait for it’s release! We had a BLAST being Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for the night.  I hope you have fun recreating this date, too!

 Sherlock Holmes  Date - 81 Sherlock Holmes  Date - 4 Sherlock Holmes  Date - 95 Sherlock Holmes  Date - 48 Sherlock Holmes  Date - 89 Sherlock Holmes  Date - 35