I was super excited when Fawn agreed to be part of this Tele-Retreat. We’ve worked with Fawn in the past on different projects and we completely adore her!  Her “Happy Wives Club” is awesome!! I wanted to be the one to share this inspiring gal with all of you because I just love this lady! Check out what she is talking about & MARK your calendars!!

We thought it would be FUN to ask our Marriage Experts a few questions so you can all get to know them better. Enjoy our little questions & answer session we did with the amazing Fawn Weaver…

  1. What is your spouse’s name and how long have you been married? Keith, 9 years!
  2. Where did you meet? His mother!  And that’s a fun topic all by itself: https://www.happywivesclub.com/daily-blog-happy-wives-club/his-mother-the-second-coming-a-shot-gun-wedding.html 🙂
  3. What is your all-time favorite date? Walking along the beach for an entire day and stopping at small cafes along the way to eat.
  4. What skill is the most important to develop to have a long-lasting relationship? Listening!
  5. What do you do to keep the adventure of your relationship growing? We still date each other as if we’d just met.  At least once  a week (but usually twice) we go out and just chat.  We ask each other questions and get to know each other (never assuming we know each other so well that we can’t continue to learn more) You can find more of Fawn on ANY of the sites below: WEBSITE: https://www.happywivesclub.com/ PINTEREST: https://pinterest.com/happywivesclub/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/happywivesclub TWITTER: https://twitter.com/happywivesclub How about a glimpse in the life of this Marriage Guru?? Here’s a little background from Fawn for the FAB photos below… “I don’t have any silly shots with Keith (not because we’re not silly but because we rarely take photos).  I threw him a surprise birthday a couple months ago and had 30 of his friends and family meet him at his workout class in the morning.  Everyone did 30 minutes of spinning with him followed by 30 minutes of power yoga (it was his favorite birthday to date!).  Below is a photo of the two of us in that class, as well as a photo we took after we hiked to the top of Mt. Masada in Israel.”

Sheesh, Fawn! Check out her muscles!! I’m pretty sure she would be able to beat me in an arm-wrestling match!! Fawn is one of SIX amazing speakers that will inspire you to have the BEST marriage possible! What are you waiting for? Get registered for this event today AND make sure to follow along on our Facebook Event Page!!

Meet The Expert  Fawn Weaver - 16Meet The Expert  Fawn Weaver - 27Meet The Expert  Fawn Weaver - 45Meet The Expert  Fawn Weaver - 12Meet The Expert  Fawn Weaver - 15