I am honored to announce to you that Dustin will be with us for our next tele-retreat!!! Wahoo!!

We thought it would be FUN to ask our Marriage Experts a few questions so you can all get to know them better. Enjoy our little questions & answer session we did with the amazing Dustin Riechmann…

  1.  What is your spouse’s name and how long have you been married? Bethany, almost 12 years
  2.  Where did you meet? Bethany and I actually started dating in high school when I was 16 years old. I loved her even at that early age and knew we were serious, even though she was only a sophomore and I was a junior. However, I knew she was THE ONE when I went away for college. She was still back home finishing her senior year, and I was on my own with lots of opportunities to pursue other women and break away from my high school days. But I wanted Bethany more than anything, and I realized during my first few weeks of college that I wanted to marry her as soon as it was possible. We ended up marrying the month after I graduated college.
  3.  What is your all-time favorite date? I’d say our favorite is spending an afternoon at a local winery, just hanging out together and enjoy some quiet conversation.  We have three kids under the age of 8, so honestly any time we can just talk in peace about things that DON’T revolve around our children is a great date!
  4.  What skill is the most important to develop to have a long-lasting relationship? I think it’s time management, or even more simply being intentional in how we spend our time.  Our priorities are easily seen in how we choose to spend our time, yet so many busy couples struggle to get control of their schedule and enjoy all they want from their relationship.  Feeding your marriage with regular quality time can make all the difference, and it isn’t as difficult as it seems!
  5.  What do you do to keep the adventure of your relationship growing? I try to practice what I preach and make sure that Bethany gets my full attention for at least a little time each day.  That’s where it all starts for our family.  Beyond that, we try to enjoy fun date nights at least every other week – and I can thank the Divas for keeping fresh ideas coming on that front! Here are a few pics of Dustin with his cute little wife and family!

Dustin is one of SIX amazing speakers that will inspire you to have the BEST marriage possible! What are you waiting for? Get registered for this event today AND make sure to follow along on our Facebook Event Page!!

If you missed our other introductions on the first 2 speakers…check out Mark Chamberlain’s and Laura Brotherson’s too!! Both amazing at what they do!!!

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