Ed is just about to launch his 6th four-week mindfulness series, this one titled Mindfulness: The Adventure of Living Well. The first time he ran this series was the most successful program NCE had ever experienced, and it continues to very popular. The program takes place on May 2, 9, 17 and 23 and is held at Newton South High School, 140 Brandeis Rd, Newton Center, MA, at 7 p.m.

As Ed shared with us after polling the NCE program participants, “It turns out what they enjoyed most was the actual practice of sitting quiet and just being present.” And he should know because he’s an old hand at this sort of thing, having taught mindfulness for many years at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) at Barre, MA. Ed is also an architect and was involved with the design of the IMS’s Forest Refuge. The success of Ed’s program led to people wanting more, and this is where the collaboration part comes in. Ed, Tara, and Tami are now exploring a number of offerings they will do together in order to make mindfulness teachings more accessible for this community. Check out the Newton Community Education’s mindfulness program and support this emerging collaboration. Every step we take out of our silos will help strengthen our ability to make mindfulness practice available to more people, and as we see it, more people want to learn about it every day. Bravo Ed, Tara, and Tami!   Click here for more information. To register for this series of talks, click here.