My husband and I have agreed to tell each other “I Love You” no matter where we are, but there are times when in public where that has been difficult.  Sometimes I look at him across a room full of people and just wish I could tell him how much I love him.  This idea is just PERFECT because it allows me to tell him, without interrupting anyone else that might be around us.  Create a sly, “I love you,” signal and as an added bonus, “I WANT you,” signal, that you can share with your spouse when they get home.  Once you come up with the perfect signals, it won’t matter where you are, you can let them know just how much you love them (or WANT them)! {WINK}  If you have a hard time coming up with something on your own, have your spouse help you come up with the signals.  Two heads are ALWAYS better than one! 🙂 I know this is not very original, but my family actually got in the habit of signing “I love you” to each other.  As my husband leaves for work, my kids run to the door and sign, “I love you” as he is driving down the driveway.  I also join in, but we especially use it when in public places or across a room from each other.  It’s great!

Want more ideas that take less than 10 minutes to do?  Try this IDEA to only say “yes” to anything your spouse asks for a night.  Or fellow Diva Candice did an IDEA where she emailed a wedding pic to her hubby letting him know how special that day was.

 I Love You  Signal - 26 I Love You  Signal - 98 I Love You  Signal - 6 I Love You  Signal - 12