Hair Color Statistics
- Hair coloring and hair dyes date back to the Greeks and Romans.
- Black Hair is the most common hair color in the world, with an estimate of 75%-85% of the population having this shade.
- Millions of unique hair color shades people wear around the world.
- Black hair has multiple shades and undertones.
- 11% of the world’s population have brown hair color.
- 2% of the world’s population have naturally blonde hair color.
- Red hair is the rarest hair color, with only 1% of the world’s population having this hair shade.
- 1% of the world’s population has gray or white hair worldwide.
- 3 in 4 Caucasian women choose to dye their hair blonde at some point in their lives.
- Piebaldism is a melanocyte or pigment cell disorder that results in a section of white hair at the front hairline.
- Less than 1 in every 20,000 people worldwide have piebaldism disorder.
- Black and brown hair: Up to 95% black or brown eumelanin and approximately 5% pheomelanin.
- Red hair: About 33% pheomelanin and approximately 66% brown or black eumelanin.
- Blonde hair: About 33% pheomelanin and approximately 66% brown eumelanin (no black eumelanin).
- L’Oreal Paris leads the women’s hair coloring market share with almost 38% of the market sales.
- The type and amount of melanin in the hair are determined by many genes, although little is known about most of them.
- In the 1950s, 7% of American women dyed their hair.
- Blond hair is more expensive and will cost up to 3x more than dark hair.
Hair and Eye Color Combination Statistics
- Hair color is determined by pigment or melanin in the hair.
- Eumelanin, another melanin or pigment, determines people’s black or brown hair.
- Another pigment, called pheomelanin, gives people red hair.
- Very little eumelanin gives people blonde hair.
- Hair colors are passed down through generations.
- Hair colors are a spectrum of hues ranging from white blond to coal black.
- The genes involved in hair color also influence eye and skin color.
- The genes responsible for hair color aren’t dominant or recessive.
- Red hair and green eyes are the rarest hair and eye combination.
- The MCR1 gene dictates whether you have red hair and is recessive. It depends on whether genes are turned on or turned off.
- Our DNA has 20,000 genes. Only a few of these genes dictate hair color and eye color.
- A pigment called melanin determines our hair, eye, and skin color.
- The MCR1 gene comes in two variants: non-red and red. The non-red version is dominant.
- Gey, one of the genes determining eye color, comes in two forms: green and blue. Blue is the dominant allele.
- Alleles of the gene OCA2 determine whether someone has brown or not-brown eyes.
- Red hair is rare because it’s a recessive trait that occurs only when a person has 2 copies (one from each parent) of a mutated melanin-conversion (pigment changing) gene.
- 25% are the chances of a red hair person having a child with red hair with someone with dark hair who carries the red hair gene mutation.
- The best-studied hair-color gene in humans is called MC1R.
- The MC1R gene provides instructions for making a protein called the melanocortin 1 receptor, which is involved in the melanin pathway.
Hair Coloring Statistics 2021
- Women choose to bleach or dye their hair blonde more than any other hair color worldwide.
- There’s a higher ratio of blondes in your everyday life than the official 2-3% natural blonde statistic.
- 1-2% of the world’s population has natural red hair.
- Hair coloring reached over 29 billion U.S. dollars in 2019 globally.
- The hair coloring market is expected to increase beyond 40 billion U.S. dollars by 2023.
- There are 27 contract manufacturers of hair coloring products in the United States, mostly based in New Jersey.
- Hair coloring makes up 13% of the American hair care industry.
- Women’s hair coloring products make up the vast majority of coloring sales, which reached over a billion U.S. dollars in 2019 and continue to grow.
- Americans get their hair colored 4 to 5 times yearly, typically with permanent color.
- People go to the salon at about the same rate, perhaps due to the soothing draw of the professional hair care experience.
- As of 2019, over 64 million people used hair coloring products on their hair.
- 75% of American women dye their hair today.
Hair Color Statistics by Country
- In the United States, 7.5% of women have black hair.
- In Asia, 4.6 billion people have black hair color.
- In Africa, 1.2 billion people have black hair color.
- Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland have the highest blonde hair rates.
- China and India have the highest black and brown hair rates.
- Scotland has the highest population of redheads in the world, coming at 13%.
- The United States has the second largest natural redheads population, around 5%.
Sources: WebMD, You Probably Need a Haircut, LiveScience, NCBI, Statista, MedLine Plus, AiryHair.