Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here.  Hello again, it’s Amanda (@akaAmandaK) and I’m so excited about this month’s guest post! If you are anything like me – your closets, storage space, and garage are piling up with stuff that needs a new home. I was looking through all the “treasures” my hubby and I have accumulated over the years and thought, “There must be a better way to get rid of some of this clutter! Why not turn a tedious task into a fun project that doubles as a day-date!?”  That’s right, I’m talking about a Couples Yard Sale! Divide your items between “Yours”, “Mine”, and “Ours”, and start a friendly competition between you and your sweetie to see who can sell the most! Aside, of course, from the treasures you’ve decided to part with, you will need:   

       Brightly colored poster board to make your yard sale signs

      Sharpie Markers and tape

       3 different color Post-it Notes or stickers to use as price tags (designate one color each for “Yours”, “Mine”, and “Ours”)

     Pitchers of lemonade/Kool-Aid/water, disposable cups, and Donation Jar for Bonus Round (See below for details!)


Once you have assembled your loot, write the prices for each item on a sticker and place on the item. As your shoppers make a purchase, collect the stickers in separate piles. At the end of your sale, count who sold the most (depending on the types of items you decide to include in the yard sale, you may choose a winner by total number of items or total dollar amount sold!) Whoever wins gets to plan (or be relieved of planning duties) for your next date night – so you may want to test your up-selling skills! 

As a Bonus Round, add a self-serve lemonade (or other refreshing beverage) stand, complete with a “Date Night Donations” jar! I created a separate sign for this station (with a shameless plug for the Dating Divas website, of course!) I also remembered I had some fun disposable glasses that added a punch of pizzazz to the whole shindig! 

There’s just nothing like spending time with the one you love – but if you can make some money while you’re at it, all the better! This date provides both, with the promise of at least one future date of one of your choosing! Have so much fun this summer and let us know who “wins” your day-date competition! -Amanda Looking for MORE yard sale fun?? Try Kristen’s Yard Sale Date…

Guest Blogger  Yours  Mine   Ours Yard Sale  - 7Guest Blogger  Yours  Mine   Ours Yard Sale  - 17Guest Blogger  Yours  Mine   Ours Yard Sale  - 95Guest Blogger  Yours  Mine   Ours Yard Sale  - 56Guest Blogger  Yours  Mine   Ours Yard Sale  - 63Guest Blogger  Yours  Mine   Ours Yard Sale  - 73