Today we have a couples summer dinner party idea for you that is sure to create some hilarious memories with your friends! Have you ever seen the Fear Factor game show on TV? Fear Factor is a crazy show where ordinary people are forced to face their fears. There’s a variety of rounds including facing their fear of heights, water, eating something gross, reptiles, etc.. Well, we don’t have the ability to do the elaborate games they do on the show, but my husband and I managed to come up with a few DIY Fear Factor games that we thought would be perfect for a couples game night. The Fear Factor theme was quite a hit with the husbands (The grosser, the better for them, right?!), and gave them all an opportunity to show us girls just how macho they were. Ha! WARNING: This couples night is not for the faint of heart. There will be worms, and there may be crazy pointless games just for fun! Make sure you invite friends who love to be silly, and are good sports. 🙂 The Invite: The fabulous Leah Aldous created a fantastic Fear Factor Couples Dinner Party invite that gave an added pizazz to our themed night with our friends!

The Game Set-up: You can do this couples game night two different ways. You can have the couples compete as a team, with one or more couples being eliminated after each round of competition. Or you can have them compete individually, girls against girls, and guys against guys. This also gives a chance for the girls who are a bit more squeamish to sit out a round if they need to and not feel bad, and it allows you to have a small prize for each round’s winner. We packaged a bag of microwave popcorn, a theater box of candy, and a free Redbox code together to create an easy and inexpensive at-home movie date night prize. They loved them! You can also have the winning couple awarded a gift card to a restaurant. Either way would work. Just pick whichever method you think works best for your group of friends. The Games: Here are a couple of the games we played with our friends at our dinner party, but you can search online for “Fear Factor game” and find lots of great ideas! Worm Transfer

In this game each lady is given a plastic fork, a empty paper plate, and a plate full of worms. The goal is to transfer your worms one at a time from one plate to the other. Fastest time wins! I thought it would be funny to have the guys do the same game, except they had to use their mouths. It was hilarious, but backfired on me when my husband planted a big ‘ole smooch on me right after he finished! Hot Sauce Medley

The guys are always talking about their love of hot sauce and just how hot the most recent one they tasted was. In this game, each guy had six spoons, each with a different hot sauce on them. Each spoon held a successively hotter sauce. The guys each had to eat the hot sauces one at a time off the spoons in order, and then see who could go the longest without water. It was quite funny to watch their faces. I’ve never seen so many grown men cry!

Worm Bath

Another one of the games we did with the girls actually required them to touch the worms. They had to retrieve five of my son’s Lego figurines form the bottom of a cup FULL of worms in the fastest time. Some of the girls don’t have little boys, so unlike me, they are not used to handling worms, frogs, or lizards on a regular basis. My poor friend Kayce had the funniest reaction, but she did it! She faced her fear of worms! Ice Bath

This was one of the most talked about games of the night! We had storage tubs filled with ice water. It was super cold, and each guy had to put one foot in a tub. Last man standing with his foot in the ice water wins. We were really surprised how long some of the guys stayed in, but in the end only one seemed to be able to take the cold!

After our hilarious evening, there were pictures and videos all over Facebook, and our friends are STILL talking about it! It may have been the grossest, craziest couples game night ever, but we had a blast!

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