Reclaim your romance in 10 minutes or less with our fabulous Love on the Run ideas, including tip #34!

 Who doesn’t love ice cream and fun dating ideas!? With the weather heating up, ice cream and your spouse are the best way to cool down on a summer evening! But what makes ice cream even better, are all the fun mix-ins you can add for flavor and crunch! Create a custom Cold Stone-style creation for your spouse and surprise them with this delightful treat after dinner! I even gave ours a name, Ooey-gooey Love Crunch!  😆

 Make this a tradition.  Give each delicious treat a fun name and by the end of the summer you’ll have a menu of delicious treats!  For another Love on the Run idea, check out Julie’s idea of ordering your spouses favorite treat for them to have a tasty detour on their way home from work! Check back next Friday afternoon for Love on the Run tip #35!

Custom Cold Stone Creation - 96Custom Cold Stone Creation - 70Custom Cold Stone Creation - 88Custom Cold Stone Creation - 63