You have all heard me talk about the talented Nisha a time or two! She is our awesome retired marketing gal… AND she has some awesome advice for each one of you!!

Here is Nisha – I was able to retire my husband from full time work in December (6 months ago) and have learned so many things about incorporating him in my business since it began about 3 ½ years ago. I think we all can agree that marriage is not easy and I’m not sure if parenting is harder or marriage, but that’s another post. Incorporate a BUSINESS into your marriage and you are bound to learn a lot! Bring your husband home full time and you may even realize you didn’t truly know him. So, without further ado, here are my tips for making your business partnership a peaceful yet successful one.

  1. Communicate! Begin incorporating your husband as a sounding board into your business from day 1! In case you didn’t already know, men and women see the world in completely different ways, so sometimes you need that other perspective.
  2. Don’t ask your spouse to do the menial work. There are professional assistants for those sorts of things or even very capable stay at home moms that would love a couple hours of work a week. But, you’ll be surprised at how many times he offers to take those little burdens off your hands (talk about daily romance – wink).
  3. Let your spouse jump in the way they want.

My husband is a web developer, not a skill you would typically think you would use building an Essential Oil Business, but it’s amazing to see the way he has blessed our business with his unique skills. I had lots of ideas of how I wanted him to jump in, but I let go of all of it and let him jump in to solve problems I didn’t even know he could solve. 4. Take business trips WITH your spouse!

This is a big one, especially if your company offers incentive trips. Business trips are usually more fun than business and your husband will enjoy having the time off to enjoy being with you and seeing the business and yourselves grow outside of your local area. 5. Schedule date nights that don’t include business.

  1. INSPIRE your spouse! Your spouse won’t want to come home from work if your life looks chaotic. Until he sees you peacefully balancing work and home, he won’t want to join you.   People are constantly asking me questions since Adam came home. “How does he like being at home?” “Is he bored?” “What does he do all day?” Then they give me that look that asks, “Are you guys getting along?” WELL…to be completely honest…bringing Adam home has been dreamy! When I ask him what he thinks about being home, he says, “Who really wants to work 40 hours a week?!” And that is coming from a man who did enjoy his job. We flirt more, we communicate so much more, we have more meaningful family time, he connects WAY more with our kids than he ever had time for when he worked out of the home. He has the energy to cook the most amazing meals (yes, he is the better cook!). We are stronger parents. We are a stronger couple. We are a stronger family. And, we are more in love than ever before. I WOULDN’T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY! If you are interested in starting a new journey that can and will involve your sweetie, come over to OUR FACEBOOK PAGE and talk to Jen! If you mention the Dating Divas sent you, you will get a FREE bonus gift too!!!

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