It’s that time of year, again!! Your sweetie is another year older, but you are stuck. 100% at a loss, on what in the world to do for them? If you are anything like me, you mean well, you really do! But sometimes the ideas just aren’t flowing and their birthday seems to sneak up on us!! So, what do you do?! You turn to the Divas of course and my, oh my do we have the PERFECT solution for you this year!!! Your honey is going to LOVE this amazing birthday surprise and you will too!!

This year, you are going to rock the birthday gift department with this amazing Birthday Letter Surprise!! Are these not THE cutest printables ever!?! We partnered up with the phenomenal Karyn with iFactually and did she come through or what?! We LOVE what she did with this pack and just know that you will as well!!

So, what is the Birthday Letter Surprise!? Let me tell ya! It is going to earn you major brownie points this year and it is practically free!! What better combination could you ask for?

To get started on this surprise, you will have to round up a bunch of your sweetie’s best friends and family to help ya out! The main idea of this is to give them __ {30, 40,50, or what ever birthday it is} letters from all of their loved ones! They will get to open up as many letters as they are old and read through all of the favorite memories, kind words, and sweet thoughts about them! After you have gathered up your list of friends, you are going to want to text or email them all with the Birthday Letter Surprise Letterhead link that you can find below, along with a brief explanation with what this is ALL about!! The fabulous Diva Tara did this idea for her hubby last year and was kind enough to share what she sent to all of her hubby’s friends and family so that you can just copy and paste it into your email, attach the file, and you’ll be good to go! Here is what she wrote: “Hey _______{friend’s name}! This is __{your name}, {{your spouse’s name}’s wife/husband}. It’s time to celebrate the next HUGE holiday… ______{your spouse’s name}’s ___ {how old they will be} birthday!! The hottie I married is turning the big ____ {number of their birthday} and I want to make sure (he/she) knows how loved (he/she) is!

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