Talking Different Color Box Braids with Hope Morgan
All Things Hair: What inspired you to get braids with color? Hope Morgan: I’ve NEVER had color in my hair. NEVER! I was always scared because of the horror stories I heard from friends, family and other women. Once I transitioned my hair from relaxed to natural I was even more afraid of ruining my curl pattern. I am very protective of my hair. I cry when I have to get it trimmed (lol!). I am a big believer of protective styles — it’s what kept me during my transition phase. Now that I’ve been natural for six years, it’s time to do something different! I decided on box braids because they’re easy and fun to style. I went with an ombré of green because it’s a fun, subtle color. All Things Hair: What hair trends are you looking to try next? Hope Morgan: To be honest, I’ve been playing around with wigs lately because they allows me to change my hair without altering my own hair. There are so many options, textures, lengths and even colors. They are also a great protective style. All Things Hair: How long have you had your braids in and what’s your maintenance routine? Hope Morgan: I’ve had my braids in for a month and they have been a lifesaver! I love the idea of being able to get up and not have to spend hours on my hair before I leave the house. My maintenance routine is pretty simple: I shampoo, deep-condition and apply a leave-in conditioner before getting my braids done. I have a sensitive scalp so once the braids were applied I lightly sprayed a mix of apple cider vinegar and water to my hair. To keep it moisturized I apply oil to the scalp only, not the braids. Every week I apply some water and more oil just to keep my hair moisturized. All Things Hair: What do you love most about wearing protective styles? Hope Morgan: I LOVE that I don’t have to do my hair. If my hair is not 50% done in the morning (meaning, if it’s not in twists or braids from the night before to undo and wear a braidout or a twist out) I have to get up very early to figure out what style I need to wear, or I wear a hat. I can’t always wear a hat so protective styles are a savior. Also, I am able to allow my hair to grow with minimal manipulation. All Things Hair: Explain the process of finding a good hair braider. Hope Morgan: I was very lucky in how I found my hair braider. I’ve been to several salons and the braids were just way too tight. I was in search of someone that cared about growing natural hair. Social media —especially Instagram— is very very helpful, and actually how I found my hair braider. My advice to anyone looking to try braids: Don’t be afraid to ask someone you come across with braids where they got theirs done. YouTube is also great if you have the confidence, patience and skillset to braid your hair on your own. All Things Hair: As a Wardrobe Stylist, where do you see braids with color going? Hope Morgan: Braids with color are about to go a level we haven’t seen before because there are so many colors to choose and play with. The versatility of this protective style allows you to wear colors you wouldn’t normally give any thought. I am willing to try almost any color and maybe wear two colors at the same time. Looking for even more hair interviews? Check out our interview with Kylie Butler.