Interview with Brianne Manz of Stroller in the City 

All Things Hair: What does your typical hair routine look like? Brianne Manz: When I am not pulling my hair back in a ponytail, you can usually find me getting a blowout at DryBar once a week. Usually their blowouts last me a good five to six days. All Things Hair: What is your one indulgent hair treatment that you have to get? Brianne Manz: I love getting keratin treatments on my hair, I try to do them twice a year. All Things Hair: What is a hair product must have that you always have in your hair? Brianne Manz: I love dry shampoo, it definitely helps to keep my blowouts last a little longer. All Things Hair: How do you wear your hair when you’re not working? Brianne Manz: When I’m not working, I usually keep my hair in a ponytail or a bun. All Things Hair: What hairstyle would you love to try on your hair but have never had? Brianne Manz: Since my hair has always been super long, I would love to go short, but do think I have the guts to do it. All Things Hair: What hair color would you love to try one day and why? Brianne Manz: All BLONDE! The last time I was all blonde I was a baby, I would love to see if I could pull that hair color off now. Looking for even more hair interviews? Check out our exclusive with Chrissy Teigen.   

5 Minutes with Brianne Manz of Stroller in the City - 65