Ever wanted to be intimate with your significant other but ideas for what to do in the bedroom are running low? We’ve got the ultimate solution for you… Now presenting: The Sex Jar! It’s not uncommon for the stress of the day to occasionally creep into the bedroom. You want to keep things spicy and fun but the ideas just may not be there to try anything new. We recommend implementing a sex positions jar! It’s a jar full of the best sex positions on little slips of paper with a description of each one. Simply pull out a position slip at random and let the fun begin! Fun sex ideas are just a jar away!   Keep reading to learn how to create your own sex position jar!    

Create a Jar Full Of the Best Sex Positions

  Whether you’re struggling with too little sex, or too much of the same sex position, this jar can help! Here’s how to easily create this jar:     Your new sex jar contains the best sex positions for couples along with descriptions of how to do each of the sex ideas. Without question you’ll be enjoying better sex with your spouse!  


What Are the Best Sex Positions?

  With 25 sex positions to try, you will not be bored in the bedroom anytime soon! On a designated night, or a night you’re feeling frisky, pull out one strip of paper and follow the directions. After you get through the whole jar put them all in and start again!     So here they are, The 25 Best Sex Positions:    

Sex Position Bucketlist

  How fun would it be to use this sex positions jar as your own personal sex bucketlist?! It will certainly get you and your sweetheart out of your comfort zone and trying new, fresh sex ideas!   We recommend that after you try each position, together you rate how much you enjoyed it and write your rating on the back of the paper to reference for the next time. You can basically have a post-love-making discussion on how it went–what you liked, what you didn’t like, how you can improve for next time, etc. Communication about intimacy is super important!   This is an exceptionally simple idea that will make a world of difference when it comes to improving your sex life. Trying new things–especially new sex positions with your partner–is an incredibly connecting activity. You’ll feel closer than ever, and you’ll keep things fresh just by using this sexy little jar!

25 Fun Sex Ideas   Positions in a Jar   From The Dating Divas - 8025 Fun Sex Ideas   Positions in a Jar   From The Dating Divas - 2525 Fun Sex Ideas   Positions in a Jar   From The Dating Divas - 8525 Fun Sex Ideas   Positions in a Jar   From The Dating Divas - 2025 Fun Sex Ideas   Positions in a Jar   From The Dating Divas - 48