Here on the Dating Divas blog, we focus on dating within marriage, and strongly believe that dating your spouse is crucial to your relationship! Above all, that’s what we are ALL about! So since we know that good dating habits are so important, why not start teaching them young? Your teens need to know how to treat a date with respect, engage in conversations, plan fun activities and have good manners, all skills that are needed when dating after marriage too! Certainly, preparing your kids with social skills activities for teens and establishing appropriate teenage dating etiquette early is a must!

Teenage Dating Rules Mini-Course

So to help you out in figuring out ground rules for teenage dating, we created some great teenage dating rules printables! They include:

Frameable family dating rule printable – You know your teen and your family standards best, so fill in this printable according to the ground rules for teenage dating that you feel are appropriate. Dating practice game – Great social skills activities for teens. Also, it makes a nice environment for teaching teenage dating etiquette. Dating 101 Report Card – Let your son or daughter know they have passed! The bright colors and fun designs are perfect to get your teen excited about The Dating 101 mini-school!

We’ve come up with 3 main lessons to teach your teenager about dating. It might be a good idea to split them up and do them on 3 different occasions. We’ve thrown in ideas for social skills activities for teens and some fabulous resources to help you find the best teen dating advice! So, let’s get started!

Teen Dating 101 is in Session!

Certainly, the best teen dating advice that we can give, is to spend time talking through things with your child. We have set out three lessons for you to connect with your teen and navigate teenage dating rules together. So make the most of this time and really try to understand each other and both of your expectations.

Lesson 1: Ground Rules for Teenage Dating

So why do we date? Well as young teenagers, dating is important for learning social skills, and to have FUN! Help your teen understand that it isn’t healthy to get in serious relationships before reaching a certain maturity level. As we get older, dating becomes more about finding love and a companion to settle down with. This could be a fun time to share the dating story of you and your spouse with your kids! Together with your kids, make a set of family rules for dating. Having a discussion together about the teenage dating rules for your home is so important. So consider what are your expectations as parents? What time is curfew? At what age do you feel your kids are “dating ready”? Do you expect them to date in groups? Certainly, setting all of these expectations up early will set you up for success.

This would also be a great time to have your teens think about what’s important to them when dating. What kind of person do they want to be dating? How do they want to be treated?  What kinds of activities are ok, and what would make them uncomfortable? Help your kids set their own personal standards and expectations for their dates, and teach them about how to be safe and make sure they respect themselves and their dates.

Lesson 1 Resources:

Establishing Dating Rules with Your Teen Is Your Child Ready to Date? When Should My Teen Start Dating? Expectations for a Healthy Teen Relationship Teen Relationships Dating Expectations- from a Mother to Her Son

We’ve created a darling Dating Rules printable of general guidelines for dates. This is cute enough to be displayed in your home or teen’s room! We’ve also included a Blank Dating Rules template for you to create your own, family-specific rules.

Lesson 2: Preparation Before the Date

An important part of a date is preparation! This includes asking out your date, planning an activity and getting yourself clean — looking and smelling good to present your best self. Teens are all about texting, but the old-fashioned phone call, or even asking out in person, shows a lot of respect and courage! Do some role-playing and have your teen pretend to call and ask someone out. Have them be asked out as well so they know how to accept or respectfully decline an invitation. Certainly, your house is the best place to learn teenage dating etiquette! “Hanging out” is fun, but oftentimes it leads to boredom, which leads to trouble. Consider implementing the requirement of a set plane before hand. AS far as teenage dating rules go, this one will ensure the most fun and the best outcomes. Planning different and exciting activities for dates will keep things from getting awkward and will be SO much more fun!  If all kids ever do is “hang out,” won’t they do the same when they’re married? It’s great to veg out some nights of course, but if you and your spouse just sit on the couch all the time, you aren’t growing as a couple or making new memories! We want to start those good habits now with your kids!

Help your teen brainstorm some fun date activities. We’ve got tons of ideas on our site that can be adapted for teens. Check out our group date resources below!

Lesson 2 Resources:

100 Fun Group Date Ideas Four or More: All Dating Divas Group Dates 40 Group Dates for Teens Group Dating for Teens

Lesson 3: Teenage Dating Etiquette

Now it’s time for a lesson on how to act and behave once you are actually on your date! A fun way to do this is to watch a good and bad example, and identify what went well, and what went wrong! So you will have a better idea of what ground rules for teenage dating you want to set with your teen. We’ve grabbed two movie clips for you to use, but feel free to use your own!

Bad Date Example:

In this bad date, Gru, from Despicable Me 2, isn’t being himself, he’s wearing a wig! His date is constantly talking about herself, insulting him, and embarrassing him. She’s also very negative. All things to avoid, of course!! (If you have access the whole movie, you may want to rewind and watch a little more of the date).

Good Date Example:

Your teenager doesn’t need to learn to sing their true love to the whole world, but Buddy the Elf is a great example of being happy and smiling the whole time on his date! He compliments his date and has a series of fun activities planned for the night. Even though he acts a little goofy, Jovi is a good sport and goes with it, even if it’s not necessarily her idea of fun. They end up having a great time together!

Lesson 3 Resources:

Meal Etiquette Rules Cell Phone Etiquette How Rude! A Teenagers Guide to Not Grossing People Out (Book) Dating Etiquette Guide- created by a Mother and Daughter

Dating Practice Review Game

Now have some fun reviewing what you’ve learned! Have a family game night and play this dating practice review game. Play Charades OR Pictionary, whichever you prefer! Just pick a slip of paper, and act out or draw what the paper indicates. Then your team tries to guess! You will have a blast showing what to do (and what NOT to do) on a date!

Mock Date to Test Teenage Dating Rules

As the final exam of the Dating 101 Mini-School, have your teen put their skills and the teenage dating rules you’ve decided on into practice on a mock date with Mom or Dad! We’ve gathered some fun date ideas for you below! Have your sons practice calling Mom to ask her on a date, planning an activity, and displaying respect and manners throughout. Daughters can respectfully accept a date from her father, and practice their etiquette and respect during the date. Or if you want to mix things up, let your daughter be the one to ask out Dad and plan the date! If they pass, you can give the OK for their first date! Your teenager will have the skills needed to make friends and have fun experiences while staying safe.


Mother and Son Date Ideas Father and Daughter Dates

Ground Rules for Teenage Dating Report Card

After your teen passes each lesson AND the final exam, give them this darling little report card. You can give some tips about where they can improve, along with some love and encouragement.

Quality time with your teenagers can be hard to come by. Make it a priority and get to know that mysterious teenager with our Time with Your Teen kit! If you have teenagers and liked the idea above, you’ll love our Time with Your Teen Kit! It includes 5 parent-teenager dates that are geared toward any teens’ interest.

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